
German PV inverter market will shrink dramatically

The German government will reduce subsidies to the German PV inverter market has shrunk dramatically , for SolarMax , the domestic sales in Germany will be reduced accordingly. We are positioning their products have full confidence in the future to expand the proportion of market share also remained optimistic. For the industry's producers, China and other emerging markets will become more important.

PVgrid-connected inverter technology in the future will be more intelligent , more reliable output power quality and more reasonable modularity. With the reduction in feed-in tariff for PV inverter gradual increase in supply and demand pressures . The challenge we face is how to reduce production costs, on the basis of reduced PV inverter market price in order to get good returns .

Inverter existing two applications : one is single string inverter / number of string inverters , mainly used in residential and commercial , the inverter has a good price , it can be sited in accordance with more reasonable and more accessible electronic environment maintenance is appropriate, it is possible in the coming years to become mainstream solutions. There is also a central inverter , mainly used in industrial roofing and land projects , which is characterized by high-pressure optimized , cost is also very good , with a medium-voltage grid connection with the full range of solutions

In addition, the production and application of the inverter must comply with the corresponding legal provisions and standards. Qualified product certification is the most important criteria for selection of products , but also through many other series of test standards. Power at the same time as the increase in the stability of the inverter becomes particularly important. grid tie power inverter used in China must pass LVRT ( Low Voltage Ride Through ) regulations. If the inverter needs to mesh with the state's high voltage transmission lines are connected , then it must also be issued by the State Grid Corporation of LVRT requirements.

For SolarMax, in China, we hope that with quality partners to develop high-quality projects . We do not want the price competition with Chinese manufacturers , but the emphasis on quality . In addition to small and medium- sized BIPV ( building integrated PV ) projects, our products are also suitable for large buildings, such as the SolarMax string inverters , a large central inverter , etc. can be used for projects of all sizes . Our goal is to establish in the Chinese market, the Swiss high- quality image.

