
Revision grid-connected photovoltaic inverter certification by reviewing the technical specifications

Recently, the National Energy Foundation and Management Technical Committee for Standardization Technical Committee Energy New Energy and Renewable convene revision in Beijing CNCA/CTS0004-2009 "400V low voltage grid PV inverter dedicated technical requirements and test methods" Review Conference , revision grid-connected photovoltaic inverter certification by reviewing the technical specifications .

    CNCA/CTS0004-2009 "400V low voltage grid PV inverter dedicated technical requirements and test methods" developed by Beijing Certification Center and through the national commission for the record. The revision has been actively involved in the recognition and industry stakeholders . Delegates considered , revision photovoltaic grid inverters certified technical specifications fully consider the personal safety of the operator, the stable operation of the grid and the inverter itself, security, reliability, and power generation performance , compared with the previous version of the specification content more scientific , reasonable and able to meet the development needs of China's photovoltaic industry to lead the industry with guidance and positive role of technological progress .

   Grid-connected photovoltaic inverters certified technical specifications revised renamed " dedicated grid PV inverter technology" , compared with the previous version , the new technical requirements specification significantly improved , product certification in accordance with the technical specifications to implement not only the single eligibility determination , as well as a comprehensive evaluation of performance . Industry experts said the implementation of the revised version of the specification will provide better quality assurance for our Golden Sun Demonstration Project , PV concession projects.

    CNCA and the National Standard Committee can new energy and renewable energy at the Technical Committee , China Renewable Energy Society of Professional Committee of photovoltaic , China National Institute of Standardization , State Grid Electric Power Research Institute and other relevant scientific experts and representatives of well-known enterprises at home and abroad the meeting.

