
East Asian emerging photovoltaic roofing system monopoly market demand

East Asia to implement the various emerging regions is mainly government-led economic system, the government's attitude of renewable energy largely determine the pace of development in the area of ​​photovoltaic. 2011 Japan's Fukushima nuclear accident in these areas is more firmly and vigorously develop renewable energy determination. PV demand in emerging markets in East Asia over the next five years will grow steadily, and in 2017 accounted for 1% of the global PV market market share.

South Korean Ministry of Knowledge Economy announced in 2013 the national electricity supply and demand in the sixth plan that before the 2027 generation capacity increased to 1.3910 one hundred million KW, which the proportion of renewable energy increased from 7% to 12%. To achieve this goal depends heavily on the implementation starting in 2012 in Korea renewable energy quota system.

Renewable energy quota system objects, including public utilities Development Group and some independent power developers, the former including Korea Electric Power Corporation's five wholly owned subsidiaries (Korea Southeast Electric Power Company, Chubu Electric Power Company Korea, South Korea Western Power, Korea Southern Electric Power Company, Dongguk Western Power), Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Corporation, Korea Regional Greenhouse, Ltd., Korea Water Resources Corporation.

Also worth mentioning is that the Seoul government announced the "Solar City" plan. As a "nuclear power as little as possible" part of the project, the Seoul government hopes the end of 2014 before the new 320MW of  photovoltaic inverter capacity, public and private roof roof each 160MW. 6.3 billion won loan will be used to support the "Solar City" plan. Installed capacity of less than 150 kilowatts of individual projects can get a loan up to 150 million won, or the equivalent of 50 percent of the system cost of the loan. Loans are required to pay off in eight years, the first three years interest free, interest of 2.5% after five years.

South Korea's small public utilities and commercial rooftop PV market is expected to develop rapidly in the coming years. Taiwan's tariff regime is mainly open tendering and project size limit of a combination, which is widely considered to be based on photovoltaic solar cell manufacturers development and financial pressures a compromise. In the past year, with a total capacity of 83 MW project is divided into seven tender payment.

Taiwan's Ministry of Economic Affairs at the end of 2012 restructured the tariff, but the roof project ROI still be considered to be an attractive project developers. Because of limited capacity available land, the roof used in East Asian emerging markets will dominate the long-term; addition, the preference for local manufacturers making foreign brands more difficult to enter these markets.

2 条评论:

  1. From your article, I gleaned that the government of South Korea back the installation of solar panels. If this is the case, then it is for the good of the people of South Korea. And I also like the "Solar City" plan. To South Korea, I say, Carry on!

    1. If ever South Korea would do business in Australia, it might want to learn about the wholesale offers at avic-intl.com.au.
