
China EPRI capacity to complete the world's largest PV inverter test

China Electric Power Research Institute National Energy solar power research and development (experimental) center in the world completed the first successful single 1.25 MW photovoltaic inverter grid performance testing. The test helps to improve the domestic megawatt photovoltaic inverter R & D manufacturing capability to protect large-scale PV inverter network security and stability operation after.

PV inverters are grid-connected photovoltaic power generation system is the core component, the solar energy is converted to DC power standard AC meet energy transfer into the grid, photovoltaic inverter directly determines the performance of grid-connected PV system performance.

The test is complete, the National Energy solar power research and development (experimental) center-megawatt photovoltaic inverter testing platform has been successfully achieved 100 kilowatts, 250 kilowatts, 500 kilowatts, 630 kilowatts, 750 kilowatts, 1 MW, 1.25 trillion watt PV inverter products and network performance testing, covering all the major current domestic PV inverter capacity levels.

As of December 15, the National Energy solar power research and development (experimental) center has a total of 115 various types of domestic PV inverter type test for our various photovoltaic power plant smoothly and provides a strong support network. The center also offers a number of standard testing services for domestic enterprises to save PV grid connected inverter testing costs, shorten the testing cycle, improve product competitiveness in foreign markets, and promote technological progress in the photovoltaic industry.

