
Poland intends to suspend solar photovoltaic

In view of the new plan to cut subsidies for solar photovoltaic, Poland implement the intent of the feed-in tariff has been put on hold. Deputy Minister of Economic Jerzy Pietrewicz said recently that he is the proposed amendment to the Renewable Energy in October this year, the draft focuses primarily on wind and biomass are suspended for the solar grid tie inverter photovoltaic program.

Bloomberg reported that since its inauguration in February, Pietrewicz said in his first interview on renewable energy: "We do not intend to give up support, but technological advances enable us to reduce the rates proposed in advance." Put forward in October 2012 proposal is called on the EU response to the adoption of the 2020 renewable energy targets. The Government aims to renewable energy installed capacity by 2020 from 2% to 15%.

The current situation (Click to view PV mppt solar charge controller previously reported), Poland will be not more than 100kW photovoltaic project feed-in tariffs and green certificates for 100kW to 2MW installation project. The feed-in tariff for 15 years, the subsidy rate of $ 0.337 higher than the German subsidies. However, the Government said that the National Renewable Energy support costs will further enhance the country's budget deficit. The government expects the 2020 national renewable energy support will be increased to 108 billion zlotys ($ 3.4 billion) in 2014 to 55 billion zlotys.

Bloomberg said that the first quarter of the government budget deficit widened to 2.5 billion zlotys, is the highest value in recent years.
Pietrewicz looking forward to the second half of 2013, the final draft is expected to be fixed payment for smaller projects, the establishment of a tradable green energy certificate system, and the establishment of a stable fund to maintain the value of the collateral.

According to Reuters, Libya aims to its production in 2020 20% of electricity from renewable energy sources. Quoted Libyan Minister of electricity, Reuters reported, according to this goal, the Libyan government is about to release tender for two solar power plants. The minister also revealed that the country is planning an electricity regulatory body to be established by the end of 2013. This action following several other African countries also promised more electricity from renewable energy sources. Libya lies among those countries, aimed at 40% of power generation from renewable energy sources by 2030.

