
Paul Granville Pacific island of Kiribati's largest construction project off-grid

Recently, following Mozambique, Uganda, the Marshall Islands, etc., the insurance Kiribati 288KW Wei once again assume the construction of off-grid systems. This project is the country's largest off-grid systems in the world, is located in the Gilbert Islands, Kiribati Tarawa.

Kiribati is a Pacific island, is the world's LDCs (less developed countries), one of most parts of the economy as the original economic self-sufficiency, power infrastructure is weak, most areas are without electricity. This project will annually produce about 600,000 kWh of electricity to meet more than 3,000 residents living electricity demand.

The customer is Southeast Asia's largest photovoltaic off-grid systems supplier, "Paul Granville CMOSherry proud," said Paul Granville back in 2010 on a partnership with the client, has been supporting projects for more United Nations to provide safe, affordable solar panels    stent program. "According to reports, Paul Wei, Guangdong New Energy has been actively involved in various types of aid projects abroad, particularly in Africa and the Pacific island nation off-grid system construction have made outstanding contributions.

Recently, following Mozambique, Uganda, the Marshall Islands, etc., the insurance Kiribati 288KW Wei once again assume the construction of off-grid systems. This project is the country's largest off-grid systems in the world, is located in the Gilbert Islands, Kiribati Tarawa. Kiribati is a Pacific island, is the world's LDCs (less developed countries), one of most parts of the economy as the original economic self-sufficiency, power infrastructure is weak, most areas are without electricity. This project will annually produce about 600,000 kWh of electricity to meet more than 3,000 residents living electricity demand.

The customer is Southeast Asia's largest photovoltaic off-grid systems supplier, "Paul Granville CMOSherry proud," said Paul Granville back in 2010 on a partnership with the client, has been supporting projects for more United Nations to provide safe, affordable solar panels cost stent program. "According to reports, Paul Wei, Guangdong New Energy has been actively involved in various types of aid projects abroad, particularly in Africa and the Pacific island nation off-grid system construction have made outstanding contributions.

Germany United Kingdom market sales accounted for almost half of Trina 2013Q1

Trina Solar (NYSE: TSL) 2013 first quarter revenue from sales to Europe led, especially in Germany and the UK, in the European Union on Chinese PV module manufacturers to impose anti-dumping duties before the company strive to meet the needs of European customers.

Trina reported 2013 first quarter revenue of $ 260.2 million, compared with the fourth quarter of 2012 fell 14.0%. Germany, however, accounted for 24.6% of sales in the quarter, compared with 12.9% in the fourth quarter of 2012 has improved. UK sales in the first quarter of 2013 accounted for 22.9% of sales in the last quarter accounted for only 4.6%. As feed-in tariff cuts, the UK is experiencing a utility-scale PV 
solar cell projects to flourish, and has been dependent on lower-cost Chinese production of components to meet the project's return on investment (ROI) requirements. 

However, the company is expected to make a geographical basis, Germany will account for only 19% of revenues in 2013, while this year the UK will account for about 12% of revenue. The company said it expects 2013 sales to continue to diversify away from Europe. Expects China and other major emerging markets will account for 20% of revenue this year, compared with 2012 increased by 12.9%.

Estimated Japan and other emerging markets in 2013 will account for 9 percent of sales, while in 2012 accounted for 3% of revenue. India is expected in 2013 accounted for 6% of sales, while India Trina first quarter conference call to provide a percentage figure is not listed separately. Australia and other markets is expected to increase by 0.9% year on year.

Management to discuss financial results conference call that Europe as a whole, will still account for the second quarter of 2013, about 40% of revenue. However, the United States and other key markets is expected in 2013 will account for about 17% of revenue, compared with a decline of 25.5% in 2012. 2012 implementation of the cost reduction limits the first-quarter loss, and relieve the quarter average selling prices continued downturn.


Off-grid PV systems prevalent in South Asia emerging photovoltaic markets

Most countries in South Asia is located near the equator, good light for the development of these countries provides excellent solar conditions. On the one hand, the huge gap in electricity demand makes these countries for renewable energy is full of expectations. On the other hand, the high price makes photovoltaic systems photovoltaic applications stalled, only a few free donation program to be implemented.

Bangladesh Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry to set the proportion of renewable energy in the total energy, respectively, 2015 and 2020 to reach 5% and 10% of the target, and from 2008 began to promote the implementation of renewable energy policies. The end of 2015 the government of Bangladesh is expected to achieve approximately 500MW of renewable energy capacity.

As Bangladesh's fastest growing domestic renewable energy company, Grameen Shakti which lasted for 15 years and successfully installed in the territory of one million photovoltaic solar charge controller systems, and is expected to be completed before the end of 2016 the cumulative two million photovoltaic system installation.

In the past in Pakistan's largely off-grid PV system applications, such as UNDP donated solar pumping system. Pakistan's government has set the proportion of renewable energy in the total energy by 2030 target of 5%, and in 2013 published a $ 0.232934 per kWh feed-in tariff, 25-year implementation period, the installation size from 1 MW to 100MW range.

In the near future, the Pakistani government planning and development of not less than 500MW solar power plant in Pakistan Alternative Energy Development Board claimed that some of the investment intentions of being negotiated. However, the lack of financing, grid infrastructure, political stability are poor photovoltaic development activities carried out in the local obstacles.

In short, in addition to China, India, Japan and Australia than in emerging countries and regions in the Asia-Pacific region has the world's 20% of the population, while the PV solar panel manufacturers market share accounts for only 3%. However, the Asia-Pacific region's new PV capacity in emerging markets are expected to grow rapidly over the next five years, to become the global PV market an important part, and in the most optimistic case in 2017 is expected to reach 5GW level.

East Asian emerging photovoltaic roofing system monopoly market demand

East Asia to implement the various emerging regions is mainly government-led economic system, the government's attitude of renewable energy largely determine the pace of development in the area of ​​photovoltaic. 2011 Japan's Fukushima nuclear accident in these areas is more firmly and vigorously develop renewable energy determination. PV demand in emerging markets in East Asia over the next five years will grow steadily, and in 2017 accounted for 1% of the global PV market market share.

South Korean Ministry of Knowledge Economy announced in 2013 the national electricity supply and demand in the sixth plan that before the 2027 generation capacity increased to 1.3910 one hundred million KW, which the proportion of renewable energy increased from 7% to 12%. To achieve this goal depends heavily on the implementation starting in 2012 in Korea renewable energy quota system.

Renewable energy quota system objects, including public utilities Development Group and some independent power developers, the former including Korea Electric Power Corporation's five wholly owned subsidiaries (Korea Southeast Electric Power Company, Chubu Electric Power Company Korea, South Korea Western Power, Korea Southern Electric Power Company, Dongguk Western Power), Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Corporation, Korea Regional Greenhouse, Ltd., Korea Water Resources Corporation.

Also worth mentioning is that the Seoul government announced the "Solar City" plan. As a "nuclear power as little as possible" part of the project, the Seoul government hopes the end of 2014 before the new 320MW of  photovoltaic inverter capacity, public and private roof roof each 160MW. 6.3 billion won loan will be used to support the "Solar City" plan. Installed capacity of less than 150 kilowatts of individual projects can get a loan up to 150 million won, or the equivalent of 50 percent of the system cost of the loan. Loans are required to pay off in eight years, the first three years interest free, interest of 2.5% after five years.

South Korea's small public utilities and commercial rooftop PV market is expected to develop rapidly in the coming years. Taiwan's tariff regime is mainly open tendering and project size limit of a combination, which is widely considered to be based on photovoltaic solar cell manufacturers development and financial pressures a compromise. In the past year, with a total capacity of 83 MW project is divided into seven tender payment.

Taiwan's Ministry of Economic Affairs at the end of 2012 restructured the tariff, but the roof project ROI still be considered to be an attractive project developers. Because of limited capacity available land, the roof used in East Asian emerging markets will dominate the long-term; addition, the preference for local manufacturers making foreign brands more difficult to enter these markets.


China is the most important photovoltaic double reverse grounds of objection

U.S. trade with the EU institutions have refused to confirm media reports said two authenticity. Face from the European Union and the United States difficile true news, in addition to the Ministry of Commerce spokesman said, "The case involving an amount of more than 20 billion U.S. dollars, related to the hundreds of thousands of jobs, and resolutely opposed to" outside of China in the attack enterprises do not much effort, they are more to the Southern Weekend reporter that "there is nothing to say."

Throughout the anti-dumping cases, the Chinese side has always stressed once China "double reverse" the damage to the EU more than the Chinese. To this end, China supports solar module power parity Union advisory body commissioned Prognos even made ​​a report pointed out that if the EU imposed a 35% tariff lines will lead to the EU in the first year loss 119,700 jobs, if levied 60 % of the tariff, the EU will lead to loss of 193,700 jobs.
Is this right? China's arguments have been refuted in Europe and America.

On the one hand, this year in March, the European scientific nature of the report questioned, PwC said that the Chinese side that the EU will reduce employment figures, actually more than the German official statistics the total number of jobs in the industry, so the research is not available letter. On the other hand, data from the United States also make the Chinese feel embarrassed. Prior to China's most important grounds of objection, that said anti-dumping will seriously damage the U.S. solar industry, leading the U.S. photovoltaic products supply drops, prices rise.

However, the U.S. anti-dumping duties on China after a year, the dramatic situation happened: U.S. local solar panel price prices falling instead of rising, and in 2012 a record U.S. solar capacity to reach 3.31GW, an increase of 76%. These data are propagated by the Chinese anti-dumping will result in adverse consequences credibility greatly reduced.

Now look, the Chinese war of the early and high-level lobbying, although the combination of domestic forces, but did not have a material impact on the EU - the EU ProSun to the Southern Weekend reporter's e-mail reply, the other side has repeatedly stressed that the Chinese enterprises have at their disposal sufficient evidence of dumping practices. Although these "evidence" has never been published before.

European heavy duty pending final mediation only bewildering PV

On Tuesday morning, the domestic solar energy company executives actually found their own company's stock jumped nearly 70 percent overnight, causing a commotion industry, executives do not even know what happened in the end. Because so long ago on May 8, EU officials disclosed that the EU is planning to solar panels from China up 47% -67.9% levy provisional anti-dumping duties ranging scheduled for June 6 began.

Side is the EU anti-dumping heavy duty strikes, but it is listed in the U.S. side of the solar concept stocks soared mystery lie? Traced the source of the earthquake stock market, actually as Tuesday, "New York Times" a story. The report quoted China, the U.S. and EU trade officials and advisers as saying the Obama administration and the European Union has decided to be resolved through consultations between China and Europe in the charge controller energy products "double reverse" case (anti-dumping, anti-subsidy), consultations may be Chinese manufacturers export restrictions required scale, while raising prices, in exchange for China's solar industry companies will no longer be subject to additional tariffs.

"New York Times" This is incredible reports on the plight of China's solar energy industry is a great good, but its authenticity, but there are many questions. Minsheng Securities electrical equipment and new energy chief analyst Wang Haisheng said the Obama administration this time suddenly stand in the dispute between China and Europe, it is "strange" and do not meet the U.S. withdrawal of anti-dumping procedures, does not exclude the investors and media common arrangement scam.

Now look, May 8 officially confirmed that it is not the EU's anti-dumping heavy taxes on the news, is also worth questioning. Since tax credit far beyond industry expectations, coupled with the next countervailing duties may be levied, o sun power Qu Xiaohua, chairman of the Southern Weekend reporter said, "is ridiculous." Analysts pointed out that the move may be officials of the European part of the draft deliberately leaked to the media, in order to be more in future negotiations the right to speak.

In fact, on May 15 the European Commission on the Chinese PV china solar panel anti-dumping duties levied on products meeting and did not form any results. Member States will meet again on May 24 to submit their feedback. PV Magazine British media reports, the case in December of this year's final results may differ June 5 The preliminary results are very different. This is to some extent weakened the EU officials said it would impose high tax rates 47% -67.9% of the argument.


EU would use force "dual" to support thin-film solar power technology

Bent towards China in the EU "double reverse" behind, but also hidden force trying to take advantage of its thin-film solar power technology to support the "conspiracy" As of this writing, the relevant European Union on May 24 for "China solar panels (especially single crystal silicon, polycrystalline silicon) to impose anti-dumping duties "voting results of the wind, still not the slightest leak.

In this regard, the German participation in national development strategies to develop flexible solar panels energy, a former German Helmholtz Materials and Energy Research Center Berlin nanodevices post of Research Office of Dr. Chen Jie to the "Securities Daily" reporters admitted that "the Commission will strict implementation of relevant rules and regulations, therefore, on June 5 before the announcement of the preliminary results, we are not informed of the poll results. "

Similarly, Yingli Legal Director Fan Zhenhua said, according to processes within the EU member states will soon announce voting results and publications in the EU public, "preliminary results only in the June 5 or 6, 2009, the current We also mostly through media reports to understand the process. "

However, now the Central Organization Department, "thousands of people plan" National Distinguished experts, Beijing Institute of Low Carbon Clean Energy Solar Energy Center Director Chen Jie told reporters, "As far as I understand it, although the EU's imposition of solar panels 'anti-dumping' tariffs have been unable to reverse the result of fear, but the implementation of this policy may not be very long. "

The most critical is revealed to reporters Chen Jie, China and the EU insists on the "double reverse" behind, but also hidden force trying to take advantage of its thin-film solar cell efficiency power technology to support the "conspiracy." European PV subsidy little more than a lot of financial investment in scientific research in the name of fact, as the country's most influential industries in the world, the Chinese PV has been the United States, Europe blamed the issue, has been the close attention of senior government officials.

According to Xinhua News Agency reported on May 24, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, the financial sector in the Swiss economy luncheon speech entitled "Together Towards pragmatic cooperation in the new future for Swiss" speech when he pointed out that "recently initiated by the EU against Chinese PV products and wireless communication devices anti-dumping and countervailing investigations, the Chinese side attaches attention. these two types of products and equipment for the implementation of 'dual', not only will seriously damage China-related industries, enterprises and employment, can also damage the European users and consumers the vital interests of harms others without self-interest, but also will provide protectionist market, so we firmly oppose. "

JinkoSolar PV modules donation to GRID Alternatives

The world's leading manufacturers of photovoltaic solar products JinkoSolar Holding Co., Ltd. (referred to Jinko) announced that it has with nonprofit solar installer GRID Alternatives to achieve the strategic partnership. JinkoSolar will donate GRID Alternatives 150kW solar modules for volunteer training and low-income homeowners install solar energy systems.

JinkoSolar USA general manager Nigel Cockroft said: "Jinko very pleased to have the opportunity to low-income U.S. communities with clean solar energy installation and training experience. JinkoSolar has been involved in many charitable projects around the world, we GRID Alternatives Available Sustainable Energy development in the deep appreciation. "

GRID Alternatives co-founder and CEO Erica Mackie said: "Our manufacturing partners committed by donating equipment for the energy saving household sent Fukuzawa. Workers need jobs, while industry also requires well-trained workers. Could with JinkoSolar establish strategic partnerships, we are honored. "

Beginning of 2004, GRID Alternatives has more than three thousand families over 8.5 MW of installed solar grid tie inverter systems for more than 11,000 volunteers and workers installing solar systems experience. And China's coal producing and consuming regions of reverse distribution similar to China's photovoltaic power generation project in the distribution of electricity load centers also show this trend.

Qinghai abundant solar energy resources, reserves second only to Tibet and development conditions is more convenient, is the national development of solar projects in key areas, China's photovoltaic power generation capacity is currently the largest province. Past two years, Qinghai grid photovoltaic power generation capacity gains extremely rapid. As of the end of 2012, the Qinghai power grid PV power plant reached 52, an installed capacity of 1,318,000 kilowatts, accounting for the province's total power generation capacity of 8.8%.

Among them, the Hercynian regional grid PV mppt solar charge controller power station 48, the capacity 1.223 million kilowatts, accounting for the total capacity of photovoltaic Qinghai 92.79%. In 2012, Qinghai photovoltaic power generation completed 1.439 billion kwh, an increase of 9.2 times over the previous year, accounting for 2.55% of Internet network capacity. Obviously, the Hercynian region seem too concentrated photovoltaic projects focused so Hercynian electricity one o'clock too much.


The first solar equipment companies listed in Hong Kong

Currently Hanhong should be China's largest integrated solar energy equipment manufacturing base, the company's solar equipment sales last year of $ 200 million, this year will reach 700 million yuan for the Nuggets who provide shovels, the same money. Solar energy industry as well.
   Reporters learned yesterday, the mainland's first integrated solar energy equipment manufacturing company Shanghai Hanhong Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shanghai Han Rainbow") is expected to list in Hong Kong. The company mainly for buy solar cell manufacturers to provide manufacturing equipment.
Shanghai Han Hong, chairman and president He Xianhan said that the current Chinese rainbow should be the country's largest integrated solar energy equipment manufacturing base, "the company's solar equipment sales last year of $ 200 million, will reach 700 million yuan this year, next year is expected to total sales exceeded 1 billion yuan. "
   PV industry chain is: Silicon Mine - metallurgical silicon - high-purity polysilicon - silicon rods or polycrystalline ingots - monocrystalline silicon or polycrystalline silicon cells - components, etc., while the Shanghai Han studied under the rainbow, that is to the battery in the middle of the polysilicon equipment manufacturing and processing sectors.
   Since 2006, Shanghai Han Hong will own all intellectual property rights pullers sold in the domestic market this year, sales of the product will reach 300 units. Late last year, the company came polycrystalline ingot furnace, has set out 70 units. In addition, the Shanghai Han Hong completed a 20,000 m2 plant construction and operation, and today is building two 40,000 square meters and 5,000 square meters of new R & D building plant to expand production scale.
   "Orders can be routed to the year after." He Xianhan said that due to the current solar industry is too hot, so through financing to expand production capacity.
     Solarbuzz data show that in 2007 the global photovoltaic systems installed capacity reached 2826MW, 62 per cent increase over 2006, of which Germany accounted for 47%, followed by Spain (23%); while last year the global solar cell production was 3436MW, compared to 2006 annual growth rate of 56%, Chinese manufacturers share also increased by 20% to 35% share of the Japanese manufacturers fell by 13 percentage points, to 26 percent.
   With Societe Generale Securities data, the Chinese cell and module manufacturer Suntech, Trina and Sunergy expected shipments this year will have to rise substantially each of the three companies will grow by 45.2%, 163.16% and 62.5%. He Xianhan said major domestic customers will be 95% of the amounts paid prior to completion of the equipment manufacturing business, so you can make sure to get the product as soon as possible, "Now the production of single-crystal furnace has 13 companies in the country around, polycrystalline furnace manufacturers have 5, but now in addition to that we are not a finished product. "
      2002, a total investment of $ 30 million of Shanghai Han Hong and Japan co-production discipline and Iron Works Co., Ltd. CNC machining centers, in 2005 began the production of semiconductor lead crystal furnace, semiconductor special machinery and equipment, in 2006 to start building with independent intellectual property rights Mainland first monocrystalline solar cell with an 8-inch silicon furnace straight pull, this year has launched production of 12 inches in crystal furnace.
   "We commissioned the Japanese side development technology, and the company itself has the advantage of the cheap production costs, shorter delivery time, so the main competitors in Germany and Japan." He said that if the U.S. GT company, producing a polycrystalline furnace equipment requires periodic eight months, while Shanghai Hanhong delivery time can be shortened to three months.
   Now, with solar energy-related companies are divided into two categories: major listed in the domestic polysilicon manufacturers such as Granville shares, Tianwei change, TBEA, Sichuan Investment and Energy, Leshan Electric Power, etc., as well as overseas listing of solar modules and cell manufacturing companies such as Suntech, CSI, Sunergy, Solarfun, etc., but not a successful listing of the solar equipment manufacturer.

U.S. NI successfully developed to improve the efficiency of the solar cell power generation technology

National Semiconductor (NI) announced involved in solar cell business, and successfully developed to improve the overall power output of solar cell system technology "SolarMagic" (in English published data). With this technology, even in a multi-block parallel solar panels dirt or misalignment between the plates, it is possible to achieve the power generation efficiency of solar panels is maximized.
    California solar system installation company REgrid Power has already begun using solar systems Solar Magic trial. According REgrid Power said, and is not compared to a system using Solar Magic, cloudy day power generation efficiency can be increased 44% as a whole can be increased by 12%.
    There are other solar inverter manufacturers installation companies scheduled trial will begin after a few months of this solar system. NI going outside the U.S. in countries with high penetration of solar cells to expand application of the system. SolarMagic during 2008 and plans to achieve commercialization of the product.
Recently, Haikou City, the number of high-tech enterprises in Hainan Xin Technology Development Co., Ltd. declared "renewable energy construction industry base" project, the State Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development in 2008 to support the project in science and technology. It is understood that the project mainly use wind turbine inverter thermal technology for industrial development, with better economic, social and development prospects.
    The project plans an investment 60 million yuan to build two solar thermal equipment industrial production lines, with an annual output of about 100,000 units a day of solar water heaters; two invested 60 million yuan to build a ground source heat pump equipment industrial production line; three inputs 180 million yuan to build two solar photovoltaic utilization equipment industrial production lines, expanding production capacity budgetary arrangements for 300 million yuan.


High oil prices and environmental opportunities for solar energy

Just four years ago, the renewable energy sector is also little one cares. Since the rising international oil prices, clean environment, inexhaustible solar energy on a global scale has been sought after. Experts said that high oil prices to the world energy mix sounded the alarm, photovoltaic power generation is being more and more national attention, our country is the amount of solar radiation resources in the country, the solar photovoltaic industry has great potential for development, so to seize the opportunity to participate in international competition.

Polysilicon production monopoly is being broken photovoltaic industry (PV), refers to the conversion of sunlight into electricity through solar industry. Polycrystalline and monocrystalline silicon monocrystalline solar cell based on crystalline silicon material. According to the existing production technology, more than kiloton polysilicon production line that has the economies of scale, and the most advanced mass production technology of polysilicon still rests in the United States, Japan and Germany hands.

International chemical and semiconductor giants on the one hand in terms of capacity expansion rather cautious on the other hand reached a collective confidentiality and not to third-party technology transfer agreements. Suntech Power Co., Ltd. Vice President Zhang Guangchun that two years ago, when Chinese companies declared production of polysilicon project kiloton, some foreign companies, said China's polysilicon solar cell will not pose a threat to them.

But less than two years, China's polysilicon industry developed kiloton, 2008, solar photovoltaic substantial expansion capital. JZPTD Technology Development Co., 6,000 tons of electronic-grade polysilicon expansion project approved capital increase started, put into operation, the total annual output will reach 10,000 tons, becoming the first in China, Asia's leading polysilicon production base;

Jiangxi LDK Solar Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. 15,000 tons high-purity silicon material projects have started construction, investment 12 billion yuan; Suntech plans to double production again, the expansion to 1GW. End of this year is expected to put into operation kiloton polysilicon enterprises have at least six.

MacBook special solar charger available

Solar cells have a very good flexibility, because the only source of power is inexhaustible solar energy. Therefore, the solar cell in a way very suitable for outdoor use electrical users. Recently, it launched a company called QuickerTex Apple notebook designed specifically for Apple Ju! Cz solar charger.

    Imagine sitting in the park or on a cruise ship to use your Apple laptop without worrying about battery life problem is, what a happy thing. Apple Ju! Cz charger is providing power to play the role of the infinite. And its size is very small, close all stacked up only 10.5 inches, after the commencement of the area from 30 inches to 60 inches.

Convenient folding portable grid connected inverter charger can provide a steady stream of energy, and also green
    If more than one out of fear that this is not enough solar charger into the laptop bag, QuickerTex also specifically provides a free backpack can accommodate laptop and chargers.

Of course, to make the laptop and connect this charger, you need to use QuickerTex special MagSafe power adapter, of course, users can also get them converted hands MagSafe. While the charger section is divided into 18 watts, 27 watts and 55 watts of three kinds, allows users to 14 hours, 8 hours and 5 hours filled notebooks. Selling price, because the use of solar cell price, so the price is not cheap


Yuhui Solar PV modules for Japan JET Certification

Yuhui Solar today announced that Yu-hui and Virtus II components Virtus I get the Japanese market JET certificate. This is the second JPEC certification Yuhui Solar received another certification authority. This certification proves once again Yuhui Solar module performance and quality for the further development of business in Japan, to provide good prerequisites.

Japan's frequent introduction of new energy stimulus makes the market has become the Chinese PV companies in 2012 a hot chase. JET certified by the Japan Electrical Safety & Environment Institute JET (Japan Electrical Safety & Environment Technology Laboratories) a certificate, is a solar inverter module performance, reliability and safety to ensure that certification is the only certification to open the Japanese market. Since 2012, through the agency of the enterprise certificate request for JET rising dramatically and now includes JA, Chint Solar, Eoplly, Sok day, the light of several well-known companies have successfully got JET certificate.

Once published rulings related to counter, the development of photovoltaic industry in China will bring huge positive. "Polysilicon 'dual' ruling, China's supply of polysilicon market share of domestic enterprises will significantly increase to 2/3." Vice President Lv Jinbiao in Jiangsu able to accept the "China Electronics News" reporter, said, "At present, four domestic polysilicon production enterprises will increase production capacity to achieve full production, the country is not more than 10 tons of a total capacity of nearly 12 enterprises and downstream ancillary classes will resume production enterprises to ensure the supply of polysilicon how to make solar panels in China in 2013 to more than 2011. "

Meanwhile, the polysilicon "dual" determined, has been to allow domestic PV module manufacturers beleaguered high-priced imports will be a long one because of "force majeure" and phasing out in favor of the implementation steady but prices reflect market supply relationship in spot trading. Lv Jinbiao said that, in addition to upstream and downstream enterprises, and part of the polysilicon production enterprises will focus on PV module manufacturing enterprises to establish a relatively stable supply relationships. According to the relevant institutions predict that the market price of polysilicon in the second half of 2013 will return to $ 20 / kg or more, and gradually to $ 25 / kg to move closer.

"'Dual' topic just from time to time, we are ready for the worst." Jinko Global Brand Director Qian Jing told the "China Electronics News" reporter, "This year we expected shipments in Europe since last year adjusted to about 50% by 20%, while more than a year ago we began to actively layout emerging markets. "Qian Jing said Jinko in South Africa, India, Japan, Canada and other countries, have been a number of large and very large harvest project, and the accumulation and laid an important network of customers.

"The EU anti-dumping heavy taxes introduced the evening news, I immediately had to communicate with some colleagues and found Although late at night, we are nothing but sitting up, indicating that the industry's concern over the situation changes." Phono Solar Marketing Manager Yuan-chuen, said "But it was generally very calm, because the companies have already made strategic adjustments." Yuan-chuen, said Hui Lun as early as last summer in the "BRIC strategy" to enter the South American market under deployment, while in Japan, , Southeast Asia and Africa have made gratifying progress in business.

Yuhui Solar PV modules for Japan JET Certification

Yuhui Solar today announced that Yu-hui and Virtus II components Virtus I get the Japanese market JET certificate. This is the second JPEC certification Yuhui Solar received another certification authority. This certification proves once again Yuhui Solar module performance and quality for the further development of business in Japan, to provide good prerequisites.

Japan's frequent introduction of new energy stimulus makes the market has become the Chinese PV companies in 2012 a hot chase. JET certified by the Japan Electrical Safety & Environment Institute JET (Japan Electrical Safety & Environment Technology Laboratories) a certificate, is a solar inverter module performance, reliability and safety to ensure that certification is the only certification to open the Japanese market. Since 2012, through the agency of the enterprise certificate request for JET rising dramatically and now includes JA, Chint Solar, Eoplly, Sok day, the light of several well-known companies have successfully got JET certificate.

Once published rulings related to counter, the development of photovoltaic industry in China will bring huge positive. "Polysilicon 'dual' ruling, China's supply of polysilicon market share of domestic enterprises will significantly increase to 2/3." Vice President Lv Jinbiao in Jiangsu able to accept the "China Electronics News" reporter, said, "At present, four domestic polysilicon production enterprises will increase production capacity to achieve full production, the country is not more than 10 tons of a total capacity of nearly 12 enterprises and downstream ancillary classes will resume production enterprises to ensure the supply of polysilicon how to make solar panels in China in 2013 to more than 2011. "

Meanwhile, the polysilicon "dual" determined, has been to allow domestic PV module manufacturers beleaguered high-priced imports will be a long one because of "force majeure" and phasing out in favor of the implementation steady but prices reflect market supply relationship in spot trading. Lv Jinbiao said that, in addition to upstream and downstream enterprises, and part of the polysilicon production enterprises will focus on PV module manufacturing enterprises to establish a relatively stable supply relationships. According to the relevant institutions predict that the market price of polysilicon in the second half of 2013 will return to $ 20 / kg or more, and gradually to $ 25 / kg to move closer.

"'Dual' topic just from time to time, we are ready for the worst." Jinko Global Brand Director Qian Jing told the "China Electronics News" reporter, "This year we expected shipments in Europe since last year adjusted to about 50% by 20%, while more than a year ago we began to actively layout emerging markets. "Qian Jing said Jinko in South Africa, India, Japan, Canada and other countries, have been a number of large and very large harvest project, and the accumulation and laid an important network of customers.

"The EU anti-dumping heavy taxes introduced the evening news, I immediately had to communicate with some colleagues and found Although late at night, we are nothing but sitting up, indicating that the industry's concern over the situation changes." Phono Solar Marketing Manager Yuan-chuen, said "But it was generally very calm, because the companies have already made strategic adjustments." Yuan-chuen, said Hui Lun as early as last summer in the "BRIC strategy" to enter the South American market under deployment, while in Japan, , Southeast Asia and Africa have made gratifying progress in business.

Yu photovoltaic Global User Conference successfully held and dressed up to attend SNEC 2013

APS (Yu photovoltaic) extravaganza on 14 May 2013 to 16 at the Shanghai New International Expo Center at the SNEC 2013 exhibition and related forums. At the show the day before, on May 13, APS in Shanghai hosted the second International User Conference, more than 40 representatives from home and abroad participated in the meeting user. Nine speakers, including the Beijing family of distributed first Ren Kai, Shanghai family distributed the first person to discipline tiger, and from Australia, the United States representative, and other representatives shared the APS micro inverse system in various countries in various fields the use of results; 300KW project in which the APS inverter system with serial 13% more power compared to the results, causing great concern to the delegates and interest.

New conference held in the evening, APS Chairman and CEO Dr. Ling Zhimin grand introduction to the majority of photovoltaic solar panel manufacturers media company's two new products: the world's first commercial power station tailored specifically for three-phase micro-inverters ---- YC900-3, and the world's first miniature catamaran off-grid inverters ---- OG500. Zhu Wei, general manager of Beijing Corona Steel also visit the conference and signed on the spot with Dr. Ling Zhimin 6MW micro-inverter system on procurement contracts. The completion of the project, will become the world's largest micro-inverter system, marking the MW-class micro inverse system among the roof era of distributed systems.

In the May 14 ~ 16, 2011 SNEC During the exhibition, visit the APS booth biggest concern in addition to the audience's fit and YC250 YC500 AC components outside the company launched two new products: YC900-3 and OG500. YC900-3 technical characteristics are on the DC side can simultaneously access up to four solar inverter modules (each module maximum power of 310 watts), can be directly output to achieve a balanced three-phase alternating current. OG500 places 500 watts as a unit, modular operation, any combination of transportation more convenient to use.

14-15 May at the company's booth at the APS hour daily two also attracted a large audience. APS hour including company profiles, install the demo and spectators installation experience, live audience Q & A lucky draw and other links. Fortunately, the audience can get a free raffle YC500 micro-inverters, which became the SNEC show a highlight not to be missed, also shows that micro inverse system solutions have been gradually in-depth people's daily lives.

APS executives with micro-inverters winners posed for pictures during the show, APS Chairman and CEO Dr. Ling Zhimin cutting-edge technology in the photovoltaic industry published on the Forum entitled 'Microinverter: TheTechnology and Applications in Commercial Rooftop' report. Speech, Dr. Ling APS multiple commercial systems by analyzing cases, and invited guests to share the company's commercial power plant project construction experience and look forward to the company's products in the commercial power plant applications, the huge market prospects.

The exhibition is the third time to participate in the APS SNEC events during the three-year period, APS products from the current domestic manufacturers of micro inverse widely used first-generation entry-level products began, has gone beyond to today's third generation product , was raised to the international high-end brands. As of press time, APS micro-inverter shipments reached 11 million units, the cumulative capacity of 50MW. APS has become the world's second shipments of micro-inverter manufacturers, and in Australia, China two micro-inverter market has become the first brand.

The company has Jiaxing Washington State and two production bases in China, with more than 60 R & D team; and the establishment of offices in Silicon Valley, Shanghai Branch, Beijing Branch Office and Australia to be responsible for around marketing, sales, technology support, service and spare parts libraries. Company provides 24-hour 400 service call, ready to solve practical problems. Company's existing annual production capacity of 500,000 units fully meet global customer needs, expected 2013 sales will reach micro-inverter 100MW.


The United States and Europe, and China negotiated solution proposed solar panels disputes

According to the U.S. "New York Times" reported that Beijing, Brussels and Washington officials and trade consultant revealed that the Obama administration and the EU has decided to negotiate with China, respectively, to solve the world's largest anti-dumping and countervailing duty trade cases, the cases involving China annually to the Western countries export value of about $ 30 billion of solar panels.

The plan began to take shape will fundamentally global market for polycrystalline solar panels will be divided into several regional markets. This will greatly enhance China - a dominant producer - export prices of solar panels, the means is to ask the Chinese enterprises to improve product prices, while limiting their total exports.

In exchange, the Chinese company exports solar panels will no longer be subject to high tariffs. The United States has imposed a total of approximately 30% in the tariff, while the EU is expected to be June 5 began to levy tariffs on about 50% of the similar and may date back to March 5. The Obama administration and the European Union made solar cell efficiency on raising import prices unanimous decision probably will not be welcomed by environmentalists. Some environmental groups have been very disappointed, since the tariff makes solar power can not afford the more competitive but more polluting fossil fuels.

Over the past four years, shipments from China has made a huge solar panel prices fell by 3/4. U.S. and European manufacturers insist that the decline in prices is the Chinese government subsidies and dumping caused by Chinese enterprises. This means negotiating solutions require a substantial increase in product prices.

May replace its current tariffs and price and quantity control objective is to protect the U.S. and European manufacturers against the Obama administration described in unfair competition. Western manufacturers and government agencies, said China's solar panels get huge subsidies from the Chinese government, and in the foreign markets at prices below production costs dumping.

Japan plans to provide low-interest loans for residential rooftop solar

According to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported that the Japanese Ministry of Economy plans to borrow residential roof space for solar energy development companies to provide low-interest loans. The newspaper quoted Trade Minister Toshimitsu Motegi as saying that the province plans to Development Bank of Japan and other government financial institutions to provide loans. The newspaper revealed that, Motegi will be held tomorrow on industrial competitiveness conference to announce the plan.

Under the proposal, these companies will sell the family installed photovoltaic inverter on the roof generate electricity. Homeowners will receive 10,000 yen per year (about $ 97) to 20,000 yen for rent. Merfert: Middle East showing the unique business challenges, and the two most common problem is that the performance of the components in the environment of high temperature and stains. If you are already in Dubai to spend a summer day, or witnessed the dust storms of the central region of Saudi Arabia, you will see the technical performance of these products will have an impact.

On the temperature of the photovoltaic power generation system performance impact on the temperature coefficient of the photovoltaic solar cell panel modules, it shows the temperature dependence of the power performance. As the operating temperature increases, the efficiency loss of all semiconductor devices have become more serious, however, compared with the conventional silicon technology, because cadmium telluride low temperature coefficient, which provides us with a significant advantage in energy production. Cadmium telluride temperature coefficient of -0.25% / ˚ C, and a temperature coefficient of silicon -0.45 to -0.5% / ˚ C

. Photovoltaic power plants to generate electricity only in the sunlight, the typical components of the operating temperature range of 50-70 ˚ C, much higher than test standards 25 ˚ C. This is a typical hot desert climate means that every watt of 9% additional energy output. The dust can also affect the performance of the PV system. The dust deposition factors affecting the PV modules is well documented, our on-site measurement stains. The device also been strictly sandblasting, environmental sealing, corrosion resistance test.

While we do not need to clean the U.S. PV array, where each of precipitation fouling can alleviate the loss. However, in the Middle East, India and parts of Africa, we do need to provide cleaning solutions according to the availability of water. As a source of electric power generation, compared with other techniques, the PV water consumed less. We have been committed with a dry, mechanical solutions to minimize the amount of water used.


Solar industry capital expenditure in 2013 will hit a 7-year low

Although the photovoltaic supply chain global capital expenditure this year is expected to fall to its lowest level since 2006, but there are signs that investment downturn has bottomed, equipment purchases may soon rebound. According to the information and analysis provider IHS PV manufacturing and capital expenditure Tools, 2013 PV business capital spending will decline from $ 3.6 billion in 2012 to $ 2.3 billion, down 36%.

The expected decline in the 2013 capital expenditure of $ 2.4 billion in 2006 to its lowest level since. This also marks the market decline in 2011 after peaking the second consecutive year, the the 2012 Photovoltaic Panels industry spending plummeted 75%. However, capital expenditure is expected to rebound in 2014, an increase of 30% to 30 billion U.S. dollars. The photovoltaic business chain enterprises have been reduced capacity utilization, production line is idle in the past year and a half, "IHS solar analyst Jon-Frederick Campos said.

PV companies have been doing, trying to cope with excess capacity, alleviate the decline in average selling price pressure caused by this phenomenon in 2012 and so far in 2013, new manufacturing equipment spending fell sharply, however, as prices gradually stabilized, and some PV market manufacturing recovery, indications that the decline in capital spending may be coming to an end. "

2012: Solar Cataclysm 2012, the solar panel industry has been to speed up production, many companies focus on to achieve higher efficiency cells and modules. As a result, a plurality of steps in the manufacturing process increases.
However, this results in the increased capital expenditure, followed by a rise in operating expenses. Later, overcapacity, oversupply and prices plummeted holding the market center stage of the period of the past 18 months, companies suddenly have to reduce manufacturing steps.

At this stage, the cost reduction can also become support weak Margin key. Not according to this company eventually went out of business closed down. Solar cycle For now, the worst case seems coming to an end, there are indications that the decline in capital spending has bottomed out. Spending is finally expected to rebound in the short term, the industry will subsequently pick up. For example, in the past quarter, Latin America, the United States and the Asia-Pacific region a new production base, production also increased.

Sometime in the recent industry will come full circle back to the beginning again, "Campos said. "The solar market has experienced booming, and then because of the rapid success of their own suffering but once the dust settles, the industry will be operating, financial and technical aspects become more powerful. Remainder of the year is likely to determine which will retain a large market share and consolidate its position as the industry leader. "

Mosaic 823 investors to participate in the New Jersey solar power projects

Solar cloud financing platform Mosaic (Oakland, California) reported that the scale of investment of more than $ 1 million in New Jersey, United States 487-kilowatt photovoltaic projects.

823 investors in 42 states, has been invested in the project, which is a mosaic by far the largest individual investments range from $ 25 - $ 50,000. April 25, 2013, Jersey Shore jungle pontoon project open to investors, and provides a 4.5% yield.

Mosaic makes people like me can benefit from solar charge controller power, while providing a good return on investment - this opportunity is only available to investors and banks ", San Francisco investors Rosana Francescato said," I invested in several projects, the operation is very simple, only took a few minutes. "mosaic unveiled to the public in January 2013, its first investment in solar projects yield in less than 24 hours sold more than 300,000 dollars.

Financing is limited, Difficult market, the photovoltaic industry is extremely cold. Before the message loud and clear about the EU intends to impose a 37.2% -67.9% punitive tariffs on Chinese PV products, China's photovoltaic industry more dejected.
Development and Reform Commission of this notice, or will make Photovoltaic Panels companies for transit. PV companies financing more difficult, this policy favorable wind power, photovoltaic. "The CDB said," I hope there are some new policies of the countries in this regard. "

"This is a relatively good business, more favorable financing ability of enterprises in Han Xiaoping, issue bonds people to buy, no credit no one to buy bonds." "Debt diverse, who can get market, such as who can get a lot of projects, issuing bonds will be very easy, because the project as collateral. "Han Xiaoping, solar rooftop power station construction bonds is very fast, it will form a new bond issuance mechanism." corporate bond issues is one way to solve the problem, but can not fundamentally solve the problem completely, the key is to start the domestic market. "Han Xiaoping said," If the domestic market can quickly start up, the problem can be solved. "


PV inverter manufacturer SMA Solar for two consecutive quarterly loss

German inverter manufacturer SMA Solar announced a second consecutive quarterly loss and said it would cut more jobs, mainly due to free-falling prices and the looming trade war has damaged its solar sector profits.
In the first three months of the degree of interest rate pre-tax loss of € 8.4 million, compared to operating profit of 42.8 million euros, analysts polled by Reuters forecast a loss of 13 million euros.

The major European markets cut subsidies, still unresolved debt crisis and the EU may also be interested in the Chinese element taxes had a negative impact on the demand for photovoltaic inverter SMA is the world's largest solar inverter manufacturer SMA, said: , that part of the key components of the electricity generated by the solar panels into the grid. Over the past four years, battery and component excess capacity led to the china solar panel industry price crisis. The crisis has eroded the the SMA operating margin, before falling sharply to 7% last year from 27% in 2010. The company said it can not rule out the possibility that the operating loss this year.

The Sunshine Power: from the 2008 western large-scale photovoltaic power plant concession tender, sun power has been actively involved and has been leading China PV inverter market share. 500KW, 250KW, 100KW power products, with a transformer or without transformer models, has always been the leading products of the sun power, sun power for more than one-third of the market share and reputation of high-quality user set an illustrious military medals ; also took the lead launched a containerized solution, sun power products has always been the technology leader and reliable quality on the basis of a better experience for customers and lower operating costs, but also attracted peers to follow suit.

Here we launched an upgraded version of the market and users are familiar with, and have great confidence in the product model. Around the world, we already have accumulated more than 3GW of PV solar cell efficiency inverter applications, according to the various regions of the natural environment, various power generation efficiency and MPP tracking, power plant owners are facing all kinds of running operating experience, especially power grid requirements continue to increase, we never stopped optimization of products and technologies and explore. Am proud to say that we have been walking in the forefront of the industry, and lucky enough to get a broad market acceptance.

Grid Grid power quality have become increasingly demanding functional requirements of the PV inverter PV power plant core smart devices more and more alone in the original equipment function expansion or technological upgrading is already showing its limitations. In order to meet the increasingly updates as well as possible future high standards, and more humane into the user experience, we have the launch of an upgraded version of the product. Upgraded version of the product will keep the sun power brands to bring customers high efficiency and high reliability, consistent feel and comprehensive 3GW applications accumulation, and a better user experience, lower overall operational costs and risks to the customer.

Sun power: product upgrades boost photovoltaic industry to achieve new breakthroughs

May 15, the Seventh (2013) International Solar Industry and Photovoltaic Engineering (Shanghai) Exhibition (SNEC PV Exhibition) at the Shanghai New International Expo Center grand opening, as Asia's largest solar PV inverter manufacturer , the power of the sun with its latest products and solutions for wonderful debut, demonstrated a new product concept to the audience at home and abroad, causing the visitors great interest, and the unanimous praise of industry experts.

The photovoltaic magazine had the honor to interview the relevant person in charge of the company, and learned that the sun power the newly upgraded products has been favorable for many visitors, a number of enterprises in this series show sign repurchase intention to become the The show's star product. "Photovoltaic": Exhibition has been an important opportunity for manufacturers launch new products and platforms, the sun power launched new products and solutions?

Sun power: by SNEC exhibition, launched a four upgraded model of SG500MX, SG250K3, SG100K3, SG1000TS-MV products and the overall solution. These products have in a number of photovoltaic solar cell power plants are a large number of applications, and access to customers high praise and high repeat purchase rate, the exhibition launched the grand launch of the multi-series products are in the original product on the basis of the overall upgrade. Which SG500MX is applicable to a variety of PV ground station and distributed power station photovoltaic grid-connected inverter;

SG250K3 and SG100K3 is mainly suitable for rooftop china solar panel power station project with transformer PV grid-connected inverter; SG1000TS-MV for distributed photovoltaic power plants and the introduction of integrated medium-voltage transformer megawatt container solutions. "Photovoltaic": the above-launch of the new technology or application highlights? The Sunshine Power: The launch of the very prominent, and a variety of new features are for power plant owners can save costs, reduce risk, ease of maintenance.

Such as SG500MX, in addition to shape a third of the reduction in volume compared to the original product can save more space for power plant owners, its technology leadership is the biggest highlight of the product. SG500MX is by far the industry's only through the new national standard certification of PV inverters, the new national standard is very demanding, in addition to the weather in response to the grid dispatch instructions, reactive power adjustable while requiring low voltage or zero voltage crossing, as well as high-voltage ride through and so on. After the announcement of the new national standard content, to the State Grid to do the check a few manufacturers, but also by detection sunshine power.

In the foreseeable future, photovoltaic power plants need to achieve a new national standard requirements in order to grid power transmission, owners of SG500MX will not have any worries, the product not only for the owners save standards to enhance the cost of upgrading equipment, and but also to avoid the risk of unsuccessful upgrade canceled grid qualification. The introduction of SG1000TS-MV megawatt container solutions to application new SG500MX and integrated medium-voltage transformer.

The solution is distributed photovoltaic power plants in the medium-voltage side and network applications, you can do the photovoltaic components to the network end-to-end turnkey, integrated AC and DC power distribution, monitoring, 10/20KV exchange rose pressure, dust and water resistant, easy to transport lifting a variety of features and benefits, especially for distributed applications in manufacturing enterprises within the park.


Leading Innovation in solar demand

With the "Renewable Energy Law" was promulgated, the solar water heater to further the use of solar thermal highest degree of commercialization, the most common technology. Although there are problems, but the advantages of solar water heaters in both energy-saving and environmental protection, enough to be respected by unabated If these problems can be a good solution to will no doubt be another huge popularity of solar water heater promote.

   The solar industry R & D in the field of solar energy concentrated on studying the ten years, has more than 80 patented technologies include solar applications in one, and has begun to be applied to the full company launched the product, the new multi-functional solar cell water heater. It is completely breaking down existing curing limitations of thinking, all effects, designed for scientific, rational, cost-effective basis.

Including solar vacuum collector element static anti-fouling core technology, thermo-siphon to the intake pipe from the circulation pump core technology, the solar vacuum the component pressure balance pressure to run core technology, adjustable condenser heat collecting element core technology, low voltage self-adjoint heated hot water technology, the glass liner environmental health tank technology, functional modular split solar power inverter water heater technology, solar collectors balanced anti-evaporation preparation of drinking water, the module collectors generating element lithium bromide refrigeration heating building integration technology, photoelectric heat integration sun glass the shell heat pipe technology, concentrating solar glass safety heat pipe technology,

Multi-heat source heat pump energy deployment center technology, automatic float guide to water technology, solar water heater pressurized non-pressure conversion technology, solar multi-effect desalination technology, solar vacuum component anti-cracking thermosyphon loop diversion, the sun building integrated heat pump and floor heating technology, optical thermal conversion of one of the Japanese collector technology.

   Among them, the "multi-functional solar water heater" engine new vacuum collector tube, the nozzle such as insulation glass shape of the mouth, reduced diameter nozzle of the vacuum tube, drag, easy to set snow reflectors abandoned, easily water heater collector area is increased by one third, dynamic hot water; sealing gasket installed in the vacuum tube positioning adjustable nozzle installed on the steps, the top pressure under the action of the vacuum tube tail, so that the water in the water heater seam drilling! The sealed insulation improvement and the increase of the collector area so that the whole collection efficiency increased by 40% or more than the original.

   In addition, a number of constraints for the previously mentioned solutions have achieved a breakthrough, the scaling problem, the vacuum tube absorbing film, glass, water capacitor connected to a high voltage direct current circuit, through cross-blocking capacitance characteristics will be very little power, electrostatic induction negatively charged membrane induces a positively charged glass on the water side of the wall the acidic scale is no longer generated, such as the engine lubrication, power constancy. Use of the the thermosyphon principle of vacuum collector tube anti-cracking cold water deflector shunt the hot and cold water, hot and cold water chamber pressure difference between the water flow acceleration, spewing hot Pentium.

Design principles in the solar vacuum tube insertion anti-Donglie cold water diversion, anti-cracking cold water deflector non-absorbent closed cell elastomer-made, non-toxic, heat resistance, anti-aging, sealed high-strength soft coatinflated or filled with a soft elastomeric material of the tubular body through an elastic bracket mounted concentrically fixed in double glass tube constituting a solar vacuum tube water cavity concentrically in the vacuum tube to the water chamber, there is a gap, the supporting installation having a fixed guide The change in volume caused by the flow and regulation of water, ice conversion elastic contraction deformation of the body.

When winter ice, the vacuum tube from the spout at the icing first sealed, the temperature of the water within the tube is gradually reduced expansion, the temperature of the gas within the antifreeze deflector reduce the pressure decreases. Meanwhile, in the role of the expansion of the water pressure is compressed, smaller absorb the stress generated by the water near zero expansion, to achieve the anti-cracking of vacuum tube.

Solar energy development in the direction of innovation, integration, chain

The seriousness of the energy problem can not be ignored, energy conservation, rational use of energy has forced the development of solar energy and into the fast lane. The application of solar energy will also be extended to all aspects of people's lives, a full range of alternative to traditional energy sources, such as the use of the perfect combination of solar energy and buildings, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, preparation of the health and safety of drinking distilled water, use of solar energy and lithium bromide combined to achieve the cooling of the building heating, solar desalination.

The development of solar energy industry China's environmental protection cause of energy conservation will play an irreplaceable role, and because of its huge market and production and sales in the international arena has been a high degree of recognition. As the pioneers of the solar controller industry, vigorously develop new energy industry is the historical mission entrusted to us, we have a responsibility as the industry has the obligation and also have the ability to "save" contribution to the force. Based on this, some companies put forward the slogan of self-help industry, and industry self-help should not fight to the conclusion that the "top ten to carve up the world" ending, industrial upgrading should focus on technological breakthroughs, solar water heater problems in each overcome to solve a solar applications will open up a new world!

   Direction of development of solar energy must be combined with building photoelectric hot one, not only as a collector power generation device, but also use as a transparent wall materials, power generation, collector, light, heat, noise, reduce electromagnetic radiation and more aspects of the function. In the future of the high cost of land, residential building roof as greening and leisure rooftop, solar cell will become a shade canopy to prevent direct sunlight, solar power, heating, cooling, life with the perfect combination of building hot water, drinking distilled water system and other functions, achieve diversification of solar product features.

In order to maximize the expansion of the solar market, solar become a renewable and recyclable, circular economy industry, while taking advantage of other energy such as solar and heat pump combined to achieve zero consumption of household energy, the building is not only energy, but to generate electricity, all this is bound to be achieved through innovation.
   Judging from the long-term development, the solar industry will be "innovative, integrated chain" in the form of industry output value of large-scale upgrade.

Through with independent intellectual property core technology, the advantages of integration of the solar industry resources together towards output technology, management, establish standards and to achieve the unity of pace. Product "innovation", we must first overcome the problems exposed in the development of solar energy industry, practical performance standards to meet all the needs of consumers, followed by the formation of the core technology with independent intellectual property rights, rather than pander to foreign technology. It is understood that the creation of the metal heat pipe glass tube and metal heat pipe sealing the original with German technology, but they a lot of improvements of the technology, but still resolved not vacuum leak vacuum.

   For resources "integration" is to focus on domestic solar water heater manufacturers with superior resources, such as high-precision CNC punch press, the quality of vacuum tube production line manufacturers. Currently engaged in the production of solar water heaters up to thousands of enterprise with innovative, practical technology plant are rare, we are to compete on the same level, resulting in the industry's cannibalism.