
Jinan Swallow Hill Community first to achieve PV

Today 19:00, Lixia District Energy Awareness Week starts. In the event, Swallow Hill Community teams up green energy advocates, community solar photovoltaic demonstration project simultaneously lit. This year June 15 to 21 is the first 23 energy-saving publicity week, June 17 as the country's first low-carbon days. This year, Lixia District, and low-carbon energy-saving publicity week Day theme is "practicing low-carbon energy, build a beautiful homeland" in order to guide the general public to participate in the "Everyone energy" of the operation, promote energy conservation, low-carbon, green production, lifestyles and consumption patterns.

It is reported that since 2012 Swallow Hill Community were beginning construction of solar inverter photovoltaic power generation, the project is divided into three phases. Project a major center of activity for community residents fill light solar park construction; project combines two neighborhood office lighting retrofits, new solar street lights 10, Lawn 10, completely replacing the original lights;

Item three mainly for pure residential buildings within the district for the corridor lights solar energy transformation, involving 51 building 280 units, while the transformation of the community garden, is expected to install 520 photovoltaic panels, 1600 corridor lights, 42 yard lights, project cost about 100 million. One and two project was completed in mid-May, three projects are already operational.

The communities were installed solar http://www.solarpanelcellonline.com modules 32.3 kilowatts, end of the project, the annual lighting of the community office and parks around 200,000 kwh electricity conservation, reducing the use of standard coal 80 tons, 1.8 tons of sulfur dioxide emissions, 58 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, carbides emissions of 0.8 tons, 1.36 tons soot emissions. According to the current industrial electricity (community office and park lighting electricity) 1.1 yuan / kWh, cost savings of 22 million / year, according to 25-year lifetime, total savings of 550 million yuan; addition, you can direct reduction of the burden of district residents more than $ 100,000 per year, truly help people.

