
2015 'smart' PV inverter shipments will increase to 27GW

"Smart" PV inverter shipments are expected to increase to 2015 27GW, a market share of 60% , while in 2010 only 20% share . This is mainly the utilities to improve grid problem of uneven development is driven Meanwhile, equipped with energy storage capabilities PV inverter demand makes further into the "smart grid ."

In the " world PV Inverter Market Report" shows , such as reactive power, smart grid and energy storage and other functions are the inverter from a simple grid power converter into an important part of the infrastructure , and will the next five years to completely change the PV inverter market. IMS Research 's PV research analyst Tom Haddon said: "The utilities , especially in Europe, utilities , started to be more active in promoting the stability of the grid inverters play a facilitating role , and make it comply with the more stringent technical requirements.

" Because of this , IMS Research forecasts to 2015 smart inverters in EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa ) market share of 80% of the market share . Haddon said:" Nonetheless, most of the inverter is still not ' completely smart ' , will only have the function of reactive power , instead of the smart grid have full interaction or energy storage. "

Study found that Germany is through the new " low-voltage instructions " (Low and Medium Voltage Directives) leading photovoltaic integration process , while other European countries are also to follow the German approach. Therefore, if the instructions fully implemented , the "standard " type inverter market share is expected to decline in 2015 to 42%.

"If you want to become an energy photovoltaic integral part of the structure , then the reactive power must become an essential function of the inverter , which is the first of the German authorities to take such a cause of action ." Haddon added.

Report that another new trend is a combination of energy storage capabilities inverter , IMS Research predicts that by 2015 , nearly 5% of the PV inverter will be equipped with storage capabilities , such as batteries and other equipment to help power a 24-hour continuous load. However, to achieve this purpose , the inverters must be rapidly reduced product costs, and gained wide acceptance in the efficiency and reliability are increased before .

" With the energy storage capabilities of the grid tie power inverter demand will be inclined to " self- consumption " to encourage policy -driven, however , the current solutions rely on lithium-ion battery , it costs too expensive now , after being widely accepted before the need to significantly reduce costs . "Haddon concludes.

