March 1, 2012 ,
Satcon Technology Corporation ( Boston ,
Massachusetts ) released its
fourth quarter and full year 2011 financial results. Fourth quarter of 2011 ,
revenues decreased 20% to $ 36 million , operating loss amounted to $ 42.9
million , a net loss of $ 48 million .
the 2011 full year , Satcon 's revenue increased 9 % to $ 189 million , but
operating profit declined by 44% , net loss amounted to $ 83.4 million . Mar. 1
day , Satcon Announces Equinox LC inverter series. This series of products for
the light commercial solar market , rated 8-24 kilowatts passed the UL
certification , rated 8-20 kilowatts passed the CE certification.
President and CEO Steve • Rhodes said: " Although solar market faces
greater price pressure and subsidy policy uncertainty , Satcon in 2011 still
achieved growth in shipments in North America nearly doubled , because we have
been strengthened with the region's leading solar integrators and EPC
relationships . "
North America is the Satcon's most important
market, accounting for the fourth quarter total revenue and 94% of shipments ,
but the company has also recently adopted a diversification strategy. February
7 , Satcon company announced a partnership with Great Wall Computer Company ( Shenzhen , China
) five-year sales, marketing and distribution partnerships, including those to
be delivered in April 2012 Wall photovoltaic dc ac converter projects in China 60 MW PowerGate
Plus solution programs .