
Solar broken nowhere to repair the homes of local residents

Lok Sang solar home has been broken for two weeks the, find aftermarket get the reply 'developers due to the maintenance payments need Jiaoqi the cost to repair', you say this is the Editor? "Recently, who lives Teng Qi Chun Anxi district of Ms. Lee encountered a dilemma --- her home solar bad we did not at repair. And her situation is similar, there are a lot of households.
Residents reflect: solar repair experience "pass the buck"
    Lee told reporters that her home's solar buy a house in 2011, developers Unified installed, with more than a year has been no problem. Two weeks ago, the the home solar sudden do not increase water, Ms. Lee immediately call the Lok Sang aftermarket phone for repair, but was turned back staff. "Le Sang staff told me, community developer owes them money, must be paid the money to provide maintenance services." Hearing this, Ms. Lee, head fog, she found the district sales center staff on duty said no arrears Lok Sang costs, Ms. Lee, looking for Lok Sang maintenance, both sides playing "pass the buck".
    Building 11, Mr. Zhang home solar panel failure, has been dragged on for two or three months did not repair. "Le Sang argument is the developer of arrears, in the end which sides to every story credible? Shashi Hou can repair our solar?" Mr. Zhang was wondering.
Reporter survey: building solar can not repair
    Reporter visited the district, Building 9, Building 16 and Building 19, learned that many residents home solar faulty, but the series of "hitting the wall" to find sales maintenance. "Sale and not to repair, developers no matter we do not know who to turn to." Residents very fact that it is worry.
    This reporter has learned, the cell, Building 9, Building 11, Building 15, Building 16, Building 17 and Building 19 solar failure when residents find Le Sang sales maintenance are told can not be maintenance.
Le Sang: developers maintenance payments owed 30,000 yuan
    December 25, the reporter on the matter by calling the Lok Sang solar sales staff that Sangle solar cell Energy Teng Qi Junan residential developers Teng Qi Estate Development Co., Ltd. signed a contract in 2008, unified installation contract Teng Qi West End Lok Sang solar Teng Qi Property maintenance payments paid to the Lok Sang the solar 30,000 yuan of money within three years. Accordance with the contract, the Teng Qi developers should be paid in 2011 to 30,000 yuan maintenance Lok Sang Jin, Teng Qi been dragged to, now in default one year. "Le Sang solar staff.
Developer: need maintenance fees apply to Group
    3 million repair gold why has not dragged to? The afternoon of December 25, this reporter to call the the Tang Qi West responsible person Mr. Tsai reflect the situation, but Mr Choi said he is in a meeting, and then, the phone has been in inconvenient to answer the state.
Reporters tried to contact Teng Qi home buyers the relevant person in charge, told residents reflect the situation, the person in charge did not know. If that is true, 30,000 yuan in repairs needed by the Teng Qi West End, Head of Engineering Group to apply, and then approved by the Group paid Lok Sang.

